Monday, July 8, 2013

Peddling around Beijing

We woke to pouring rain. Ahhhhh!  Rented bikes from the hotel for $1.25 for the day!  Set out with a street map wrapped in plastic. It was a hoot. We covered most of the city within the ring road. Traffic was calm and dodging in between cars, trucks, and other bi-peds was interesting. We were drenched.

The modern parts were cool with outrageous architecture. The alleys of the old city were jammed with tourist and umbrellas.

We drove through Tianamen square once again. Still busy even with the rain.

We were back at the hotel after about five hours, had lunch, and a grand nap. Tonight is boys night. John and I are treating the lads to a real steak dinner and great bottle(s) of wine.

Then it is up early and off to the train station for Mongolia. Sorry, no photos due to the rain. Cameras and water do not mix.

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