Saturday, May 11, 2013

Prowling the big city

We slept in and began our wandering by walking a few miles to the nearest metro station. The system was built in the 70s during the Soviet Union occupation and each station was uniquely designed with chandeliers, arches, exotic tiles, etc. no photos were alloeed and security was high. Google "Tashkent Metro" to see pictures.

We went to the north of the city and toured the Chorba market, a huge open air market of everything. We ignored the the no photo signs and got a few good shots of people and interesting foods.

Next we walked another 100 miles to a mosque and mausoleum from the 15th century. Guess we are jaded by now because we all thought the tiles are just so-so :-).

We then jumped on the train again and headed for independence square where once again all the banks and hotel ATMs were out of cash. The wallets are getting thin since none of us have been able to access cash for almost two weeks!

We stopped for a "gambuger" and a Uzbeki burrito. Walked around the square taking forbidden photos of government buildings and then walked back to the hotel. Six hours of walking. Exhausted!