Saturday, May 4, 2013


Another jewel on the Silk Road. We slept in and then set out by foot to see amazing buildings and dramatic tiled facades. The city's history dates back 4,000 years and some of the structures seen today are over 2,000 years old. This is a shopper's paradise. Rich embroidery and carpets, exquisitely carved woods, and brightly colored ceramics. For those who LOVE bowls, there are thousands to choose....and they are really weighing down my bags!

Eight hours of roaming and a mug of cold beer ended our wandering.

On the road

Ten hours crossing the Krygskum desert found us in Bukhara by sunset. We'll be here for three night exploring another marvel of the Silk Road. Our hotel is a converted Jewish home and unite nice.

The highlight of the day during our drive was lovely game of Tourettes. Each person is assigned a thing to look for-gist, horse, tree, man at work, dump truck, etc. each time you spit your assumed thing you must shout out a swear word. Multiple sights require multiple shouts. At one point we passed a flock of sheep, a fellow on horseback, and a construction zone, all at the same time. It was hysterical.

For lunch we found a hole on the sand and once again had to start counting out ALL if that money. We're starting to ignore the 500 tedious!